Some tropical fish are so startling in their beauty that they set themselves apart from all . The firemouth is one of these its colouring is surely . The green-blue body is shaded irregularly with a pale purple, and has an irregular, broken, dark line running from just behind the gill plate to the tail. The outstanding feature is the fiery red or deep orange belly. This colour runs from the tail base, along the belly, and into the mouth, forming a triangle just behind the gill plate. The second notable feature of the firemouth is the bright green-edged spot on the base of the gill plate. shades of red are on the fins.
Up to inches long, the sexes are indistinguishable, but as they grow larger, the male develops the usual elongated point to the rear of the dorsal. Fully grown fish will reach a length of 4-5 inch Small specimens be kept in a community tank, but it is advisable to fish in a tank on their own. The tank should be spacious.
The firemouth breeds in the standard manner at a temperature of 80° F, when the colouring tends to intense, in the female.