Under regular conditions the body colour of jewel cichlid is an olive green, darker on the back, along with a lighter orange yellow on the belly. The body is marked with a couple of blurred vertical dark bars, a dark spot just below the dorsal fin at about the centre of the body, along with a spot on the tail root. An additional spot is situated on the gill cover, along with a dark line passes via the eye.
It is only at breeding times that the full beauty of these fish could be appreciated. The lower component of the body then becomes a rich red, and also the upper component becomes a dark olive which reflects a red sheen. Metallic blue spots are present on the head, body and fins, and also the main fins have red edgings. Sexes are comparable, but it’ll be discovered that the male has larger metallic spots on the gill covers, along with a crescent pattern of spots on the tail. Adults attain a length of about 4 inches.
The jewel cichlids are definitely ‘bad actors’ and should have an aquarium to themselves. Breeding is comparable to the standard description at a temperature of 80°F, but they’re challenging fish to pair, and it is feasible that the female might be attacked and even killed during an attempted, or even effective, mating.
It is a great plan to have lots of rocks and large-leafed plants in the breeding tank to offer a secure refuge for the young fish. After about six weeks the young fish are likely to attack every other, so it is obvious why a tank no smaller than 24 inch x 12 inch x 12 inch should be utilized.
Providing very clean conditions exist, it is feasible to raise the fry from ova with out the assistance of their parents.